25 Scholarships for Early Childhood Education Students

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Entering college can be a huge financial burden for perspective students. There are many available scholarships offered to students interested in becoming a teacher. Below is a list of 25 scholarships available to students pursuing a degree in early childhood education:
1. National Board Scholarship Program
Scholarships are available to assist with National Board programs. Eligibility is based on a non-refundable initial fee to be considered. Award amount varies on a state by state basis.
2. The Coca Cola Teacher Foundation
Scholarships are offered to eligible candidates throughout the United States. Many scholarships are available to graduating seniors. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 at the end of their junior year. The children and grandchildren of employees of Coca Cola aren’t eligible for this scholarship. Award amounts vary.
See more at more information here.
3. The Common Knowledge Scholarship Foundation
Students in high school, college, or graduate school can compete to win a scholarship. Parents can also compete. Scholarship quiz content is based on common knowledge or a specific subject matter. Award amount ranges from $250-$2500.
4. Zeta Phi Beta Isabel M. Herson Scholarship in Education
Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors entering their fall semester of college and undergraduate college students. Proof of enrollment is required. The scholarship is awarded for an academic year. The award amount ranges from $500-$1,000.
Scholarships are also available to women pursuing a professional master, doctoral, or post doctoral study. The scholarship is awarded for an academic year. The awards for students don’t exceed $2,500.
See more information here.
5. Applegate-Jackson-Parks Future Teacher Scholarship
Candidates are required to complete a 500 word essay explaining your interest and knowledge of the Right to Work principle as it relates to educators. One $1,000 scholarship is awarded annually.
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6. Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation Scholarship
This foundation offers various undergraduate and graduate scholarships to eligible candidates. All of the scholarships offered require proven community involvement. Eligibility requirements and award amounts are based on the specific scholarship that you are interested in.
See more information here.
7. AFT Robert G. Porter Scholars Program
Eligible candidates for this scholarship are dependent students of AFT members who are their parent or legal guardian. The AFT member should be in good standing for at least one year. The student should be a graduating senior. The program awards four 4-year $8,000 post-secondary scholarships and 10 one-time $1,000 grants.
See more information here.
8. American Montessori Society (AMS) Teacher Education Scholarship Fund
Scholarships are awarded to aspiring Montessori teachers who are in AMS affiliated teacher education programs. Eligibility is based on the student’s financial need, a captivating personal statement, three letters of recommendation, and verification of AMS affiliation. The award amount varies.
See more information here.
9. Patch Scholarship
Scholarships are available only for students who attend Hawaii colleges. Eligible students have successfully passed early childhood education courses or awarded a Child Development Associate (CDA). The maximum amount awarded is $750 at the end of August, January, and May.
See more information here.
10. Teacher Education Assistance College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program
Applicants must be enrolled in a TEACH grant eligible program. Students are required to maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25. Candidates must sign a TEACH agreement to teach in an area of need, at an elementary, secondary, or an agency serving lower income families for a minimum of four years within eight years after completion of your degree. Awards are up to $4,000 a year.
11. Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program
The scholarship is based the student’s high school academic achievement. The program offers three different award levels. Eligibility criteria and award amounts are based on the particular award. Repayment will be required if the students drops a course or withdraws from school.
See more information here.
12. Phi Delta Kappa Prospective Education Scholarship
This program offers many different scholarships. Students in high school or college are eligible if they are member of Phi Delta Kappa or if their parent is a member. Award amount and criteria is based on the scholarship you are interested in.
See more information here.
13. Teacher Scholarship Program
Four scholarships are offered each year for students planning a teaching career. The award amount is $500 and the check is written directly to the student that can be used for tuition, books, or living expenses.
See more information here.
14. Florida Fund for Minority Teachers
Applicants for this scholarship should be newly admitted to a teaching program of any participating Florida Fund for Minority Teachers schools. The student must be a resident of Florida. The applicant should be a junior who has not earned a baccalaureate in education, has 60 credit hours, or an AA degree. Students pursuing upper division education should not have exceeded 18 hours at the time of application submission. The annual award is $4,000.
See more information here.
15. Sheri Stears Education Scholarship
The purpose of this award offers financial assistance for student’s tuition and many other educational expenses to individuals who are admitted into a baccalaureate pre-service teacher education program. The applicant must have a good academic standing, a 3.0 GPA, and be admitted to the University of Alaska Anchorage. The award amount is one $2,500 per academic year.
See more information here.
16. Association of American Indian Affairs- Emilie Hesemeyer Memorial Scholarship
The Association of American Indian Affairs provide scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students, who are members of recognized tribes and tribes that are not recognized by the federal government. Student eligibility is based on being enrolled as a full-time student for the fall and spring semester. Applicants are required to be a Native American or an Alaska Native. Students are only eligible for one scholarship per year, but you can re-apply yearly. The award amount varies.
See more information here.
17. Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program
The program provides financial support to higher education institutions to offer scholarships and stipends to STEM students. This program encourages science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors to become K-12 math and science teachers. The award amount varies.
See more information here.
18. California Teacher Association (CTA)
The program offers many different scholarships. CTA members and their dependents are eligible to apply for a scholarship throughout the academic year. Other requirements and award amounts are based on the specific scholarship.
See more information here.
19. Underwood-Smith Teacher Scholarship Program
This program encourages students to pursue teaching careers in pre-k, elementary, middle, or secondary school. Preference will be given to juniors, seniors, and graduate students in West Virginia pursuing a degree in teaching. Award amounts don’t exceed $5,000.
See more information here.
20. Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA)
The program provides financial aid to students pursuing initial teaching certification in Kentucky colleges. The student has to demonstrate a financial need and be enrolled as a full-time student unless you are in your final term of a teacher certification program. If the program isn’t completed, the scholarship must be repaid. The award amount is up to $2,500 per semester.
See more information here.
21. Washington Student Achievement Council- State Need Grant (SNG)
The State Need Grant (SNG) program provides need based financial aid to income eligible students. Award amount varies depending on the school the student attends.
See more information here.
22. North Carolina Education Lottery Scholarship (ELS)
The scholarship offers tuition assistance for student residing in North Carolina. Eligible candidates are required to attend a college or university in North Carolina. Also, students attending community colleges in North Carolina can apply. The student must be enrolled in a minimum if six credit hours to be considered. Award amount varies.
See more information here.
23. The Tomorrow’s Teacher
Eligible candidates for this scholarship are high school seniors residing in Kansas seeking an education degree at Kansas State University. Applicants must write a $1,000 word essay. The award amount is $2,500 for each academic school year.
See more information here.
24. Massachusetts Early Childhood Educators Scholarships
The scholarship is designed for students pursuing an associate or bachelor degree in childhood education or current childhood educators. Students must attend a public or private college. The college or university must be in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Award amounts vary.
See more information here.
25. Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois
This program encourages talented students, especially minority students to pursue an education degree and particularly schools that are hard to staff. Students must be named Golden Apple Scholar by the Golden Apple Foundation, be a resident of Illinois, and be enrolled in a course of study leading to teacher certification. The applicant must be a high school graduate or have a General Education Development (GED) certificate. The average GPA required is 2.5. Award amounts are up to $2,500 for freshman and sophomores and award amounts for juniors and seniors is up to $5,000.
See more information here.