The Top 15 Education Conferences of 2015

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Attention teachers, faculty and parents: If you are looking for some amazing conferences to attend this school year, look no further. Below is our top 15 education conference choices from around the country. From reading intervention, pre-school classrooms and even new and innovative technology ideas, check out these 15 can’t miss conferences.
National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference, June 7-10, New Orleans, LA
This conference is designed to be beneficial for any and everyone who hold a position in any early childhood professions. It also features leaders that mentor, support, and prepare early childhood professionals, administrators, teachers, and even researchers. By attending this conference, you will gain new skills that will improve your practice, and broaden your approach to learning for adults. When you leave, you will have taken with you, a new set of skills, inspiration, and insight. In addition to all of the knowledge and information that you will very much likely take away, you will also get a prime chance to network among the many early childhood leaders.
Reading Recovery Council of North America, National Reading Recovery and K-6 Literacy Conference, Feb 7-10, Columbus, OH
This Conference is targeted at any K-6 ELL and classroom teachers, reading specialists, literacy coordinators, and coaches; principals, administrators, University Faculty, school librarians, and many more. You will have an option of 155 different sessions to choose from that all focus on a central goal of supporting the quality of literacy instruction for both interventions, and in the classroom. During the sessions, you will learn more teaching strategies to help struggling readers. You will take away a better approach to intervention in the classroom on topics such as; Writing, reading, ELL, coaching, oral language, and many more topics.
National Training Institute, Effective Practices for Addressing Challenging Behavior, April 21-24, St. Petersburg, FL
Everyone, which holds any position involving the education or care of children with special needs, is invited to take part in this beneficial and insightful conference. All teachers, parents, and administrators are welcome at the conference. While attending this conference you will learn about new strategies and skills for interacting and engaging with children who have special needs. They will provide you with effective interventions that will work for both at home and in school to improve acceptance of difference and also to boost the social outcomes among your special needs children.
Frank Porter Graham Institute, Early Childhood Inclusion, May 12-14, Chapel Hill, NC
People from all the sectors of early childhood are welcomed to register for this conference. The theme of this year’s conference is putting quality practices in place such as, providing support to people, policies, and programs. The whole idea is for everyone within the field of early childhood to come together and share, learn, and solve various problems regarding the inclusion of young children. There are two different panels within the conference. One is federal, and the other is sibling. The federal panel focuses on policies that are dealing with early childhood. The sibling panel focuses on implementing new ways to improve the quality of Inclusive resilience.
Division for Early Childhood, Young Children with Special Needs, Oct 7-9, Atlanta, GA
The theme for this year’s conference is a quote by the late Dr. Martin Luther King, “The Time is Always Right to do what is Right” (MLK, 1964). This conference is geared towards teachers, parents, and anyone else that educates and cares for young children with special needs. “Young children” refers to a child that is between 0 and eight years of age. It focuses on children within this age group that are at risk for or have, any disability or developmental delay. From the conference, you are supposed to absorb new practices and enhancement that you can put forth to enhance the development of young children. It also gives support to all of the families of children with disabilities, by promoting good policies and the very best practices.
Fordham University and Los Ninos; Young Child Expo and Conference, Apr 22-24, New York, NY
The conference is made to be able to help parents and teachers of young children. It helps them to improve the growth, learning, and achieving of their maximum educational potential. It is not just limited to teacher and parents either. Anyone, that has anything to do in this field, is welcome to join the insightful words of the keynote speakers. Professionals such as teachers, psychologists, parents nurses, Special Education teachers, Social Workers, Speech and occupational therapists, pediatricians, and even students are all welcome to come and soak up the vast amount of useful and vital information that will be given.
National Head Start Association Conference and Expo, Mar 29-Apr 2, Washington, D.C.
This is the largest national level event that is dedicated solely to the community of Head Start and Early Start. Just for this year so far, there are more than 5,000 people attending the conference. There are over 200 different sessions that given the attendee professional development on the topic of the particular session. There is a fee for attending that is either $525 or $625. This price depends on whether or not you are a member. You also have the option to attend the one day of Pre- conference workshops that will be held. For members, the price is $155 and for non-members, it will cost $ 175.
ASCD – 70th Annual Conference, Mar 21-23, Houston, Texas
If you have a career in teaching, school administration and any other education profession, you are in luck because there is the perfect conference for you to attend. If you want to hone your teaching and administrating skills, it will be wise to stick around and enjoy the great information that you are going to receive. Along with the many speakers giving you a ton of excellent information, there is going to be a free concert by Peter Yarrow. You also have 300 different sessions that are there for you to explore. Not only will you learn a lot of new things, you will have also had the chance to do some networking
CoSN15, March 16-19, Atlanta, Georgia
Calling the attention of all leaders in education! This conference is orchestrated to accommodate the newest and most efficient strategies for education. You will be given the tools and skills that will help you to better understand the ever-changing roles in helping to provide a brand new face for learning. There is a total of three different tracks that gear the focus towards the sizes of the district. There is a small district track, a larger district track, and international sized districts track. For topics, there is an emphasis on certain areas of focus such as; Ubiquity and access, Vision and Leadership, Pioneering innovation.
International Reading Association, July 18-20, St. Louis, Missouri
This is the first time that this conference will be held in the summer, it is usually hosted in the spring. They have a total of 53,000 members that are located from all around the globe. The speakers that will be sharing their insight, the topic of literacy. There are 100s of sessions to explore and choose from. It will be like heaven for all literacy professionals. You will be provided with the resources for developing professionally and implementing new practices that are beneficial to both students and teachers.
National Assoc of Elementary School Principals, June 30-July 2, Long Beach, Cali
As the title clearly labels, this conference is exclusively intended for Elementary school principals and their teams that work together towards the success of students. The whole point and goal is to get all of the principals to come together and bounce ideas off of each other. They can share their experiences and problem with the intent to help other principals in the United States. Teachers, counselors, administrators are also welcome. The whole theme is that you have to be in a position that requires you to make some impact on student success in your school district.
Young Child Expo & Conference (NYC) – April 22-24, New York City
There are six very important keynote speakers that are prepped and ready to unleash upon you, their vast knowledge on improving the growth and educational development of young children. These six speakers consist of Sister Tesa Fitzgerald, Dan Zanes, Temple Grandin, Diane Craft, Maggies Doyne, and last but not least, Nicholas Kristof. Within the conference, there is a total of over 80 different conference sessions. These sessions give the attendee a certificate of attendance. There are also some half day and full day workshops that are being held before the start if the conference. If you fall into any of the jobs mentioned above, then this is a conference you should attend.
NAEYC Annual Conference – November 18-21, Orlando, Florida
With 50 different area of focus to browse through, you are bound to find something helpful that you can apply to how you interact with students or how you approach different situations. This conference has the goal of empowering and improving the practices of people that are in the fields of child development and early childhood education. It is hope that people will get inspired and take on some of the ideas and thought that have been spoken and conveyed during the conference. One of the things that NAEYC is trying to get acknowledged is the idea of the Grandes Comienzos, which is a focus on early childhood education and child development in Latin American countries and the United States.
2015 International Education Conference, Aug 2-6, New York City
This two-part conference is great for all people in the sector of education and business. Both the business conference and the education conference are going to going on at the same exact time on the same day. Once you pay the registration fee for one of the conferences, you automatically have access to both of the conferences. You have the choice of with one you would like to attend and on what day. This is great for administrators who need business skills to go along with their background in education. It is a win-win setup. People, which will surely get the most out of the conference, will be faculty members and people in administrative positions. Some of the relevant topics that will be brought up include to jobs of; ESL, early education, technology, special education, and many more.
World Class Minds: Improving education, teaching, and testing in a Globalized World May 7-9, New York City, New York
An interesting focus of this conference is on the topic of cognitive neuroscience. One of the main speakers talks about the importance of cognitive neuroscience and why it is so important to understand and use in your practice and daily life. There is a goal of implementing and inspiring new teaching skills and other practice approaches and applications. All of the speakers are going to be promoting the development of global competence both inside and outside of the classroom environment. People, that are tied to the education field, should check out the highlights and program for this conference and hopefully decide to attend it.